Colin Smyth MSP
South Scotland MSP and Scottish Labour’s Rural Affairs Spokesperson Colin Smyth has urged bird owners to remain vigilant and adhere to Scottish Government advice in the wake of a confirmed avian flu case in Dumfries and Galloway.
The Scottish Government confirmed that a flock of free range hens were found with the disease in Kirkpatrick Fleming. Last month a swan was found with the disease on the Solway Coast.
Colin Smyth said: “The news of another case of avian flu in Dumfries and Galloway will be very concerning for those who keep birds in the area and my thoughts are with the owners of the flock which has to be culled.
“This is a very serious disease and I would urge anyone who owns birds to remain vigilant and adhere to the guidelines which have been issued to prevent the further spread.
“I am also calling on the Scottish and UK Governments to continue to closely monitor the situation in the region and provide as much support and advice as local bird owners need to get through this time.
“While the risk to humans has been deemed relatively low, I would also ask that people report any sightings of dead wild birds to Defra but to not touch or pick up any dead birds they might see.”