Colin Smyth MSP
South Scotland MSP Colin Smyth has been appointed as Shadow Cabinet Secretary for the Rural Economy, Transport and Connectivity in Scottish Labour Leader Richard Leonard’s recent reshuffle this week.
The move means the local Labour MSP has had Rural Economy added to his existing responsibilities as Scottish Labour’s Spokesperson for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity.
The new expanded role means Colin Smyth is Scottish Labour’s spokesperson for agriculture and crofting, fisheries and aquaculture, food and drink, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, South of Scotland Enterprise Agency, rural Scotland, animal health, forestry, transport and public transport, infrastructure investment policy, cities and City and Region Growth Deals, town centres, connectivity including broadband and the islands.
Colin Smyth said, “Given the rural nature of my South Scotland region I am pleased to have the rural economy added to my existing spokesperson responsibilities covering transport, infrastructure and connectivity. Whether it is the need to fight for more investment in road, rail, buses and active travel, better broadband and mobile connectivity and support for the rural , the issues in my role are the issues constituents locally raise with me on a daily basis, so I fully intend to use my post to stand up for the South of Scotland”.