Colin Smyth MSP
South Scotland Labour MSP Colin Smyth has revealed that delayed discharge cost NHS Ayrshire and Arran over £850,000 in one month.
Figures published by the Scottish Government’s Information Services Division today (2 April 2019) show that for the most recent figures, 3,719 bed days were lost as a result of a delayed discharge in NHS Ayrshire and Arran. As a result, that cost Ayrshire and Arran health board £866,527.
The number of bed days lost in February 2019 saw a 27% increase from the same period in 2018 when 2,932 bed days were lost from delayed discharge.
Delayed discharge is when a patient is medically cleared to go home but cannot leave hospital, often because a social care package is not in place.
Colin Smyth said, “Once again we see the effects of the under investment in our local NHS and cuts to local council budgets from the SNP Scottish Government. The more time a patient spends in hospital, when they could be receiving care in the community, the more pressure there is on NHS resources.
The SNP Scottish Government must take action to fulfil their commitment to end the delayed discharge scandal in Ayrshire.”