Colin Smyth MSP
The number of crimes recorded in the Scottish Borders has risen over the past year, according to new Scottish Government figures published yesterday (25th September).
Recorded crime in 2017/18 in the region was 3,448 up from 3,053 in the previous year 2016/17. Sexual crimes saw a 29% increase with crimes of dishonesty rising by 10%.
South Scotland MSP Colin Smyth believes that although the overall increase is small it was a wakeup call to the SNP Government that cuts to local policing are misguided and that a failure to invest in the economy, create jobs and boost living standards would see more people turn to criminal activity.
South Scotland MSP Colin Smyth said, “It is deeply disappointing to see any increase in crime rates, no matter how small that increase is. Behind these figures there are individuals and their families who have suffered at the hands of criminals. This need to act as a wakeup call to the SNP Government that they have to properly fund our local police to tackle the rise in reported crime, as sadly too many crimes still go unsolved. The police in the region do an excellent job but it is vital that have the resources to meet the growing challenges they face.”
“However, the answer isn’t just more and better policing. Increases in crime are often down to Governments wider failure to invest in our economy, create jobs and tackle poverty. It is no excuse, but often crimes can be linked to deprivation – and we cannot deliver justice without also tackling social injustice and inequality. We need a commitment from the UK and Scottish Governments to stop the cuts, not just to policing, but to lifeline services and benefits in communities across the country.”