South Scotland MSP Colin Smyth has demanded action on waits for CAMHS services across Dumfries and Galloway.

The Scottish Government’s standard is of 90 per cent of young people to commence treatment for specialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health services within 18 weeks of referral.

According to figures released this week, NHS Dumfries and Galloway saw 77.6 per cent treated within 18 weeks in April to June 2024, a fall from 94 per cent for the same period in 2023.

Colin Smyth said: “The drop in figures in Dumfries and Galloway is deeply worrying. Not only have these figures declined when you compare them to the same period in 2023, but they are now missing the Scottish Government’s own standard of 90 per cent of young people commencing treatment within 18 weeks of referral.

“While the amazing NHS staff in our area is doing all they can, we need action from the Scottish Government to address these waiting times and ensure they don’t get any worse.

“We cannot have young people of Dumfries and Galloway being failed and put in danger due to the inaction of the Scottish Government.

“We are risking a lost generation of young people experiencing mental health issues. Our region deserves so much better.

“On behalf of the young people of the area, I call on the Health Secretary to take immediate action to ensure everyone gets the treatment that they need swiftly.”

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