Colin Smyth MSP

The failure of local Tory MPs and MSPs to join calls for Boris Johnson to resign has been described as “shameful” by South Scotland MSP Colin Smyth.
The number of Tory MPs signing letters of no-confidence in the Prime Minister is growing, including Carlisle MP John Stevenson but so far South Scotland MPs John Lamont, David Mundell and Alister Jack have failed to submit letters.
Colin Smyth said: “The failure of local Tory MPs and MSPs to join the growing list rightly calling for Boris Johnson to go is shameful. We know Alister Jack is only interested in saving his own job and knows if Boris Johnson goes, he will be axed as Secretary of State. But MPs such as David Mundell and John Lamont said they would wait for the Sue Gray report before giving their verdict.
“That report is now published, and it is damning but Messrs Mundell and Lamont have gone into hiding, along with local Tory MSPs. They must be the only people left in our region without a view on the future of Boris Johnson.
“Sue Gray’s report states that Boris Johnson lied to Parliament and lied to the people.
“He has been taking people in our region for fools.
“It’s time local Tory politicians got off the fence. No more excuses and no more lies. Boris Johnson has to go.”