South Scotland MSP Colin Smyth has warned that we are in the midst of “a full-blown crisis”, as NHS Lanarkshire announced that current pressures have forced the health board to stand down elective procedures, including some cancer treatment.

The health board said the situation was “unprecedented” and that the Army had been called in to provide additional support. It has moved to the highest risk level.

Colin Smyth said: “Our fantastic NHS is facing a terrible time and there is little doubt that we’re in the midst of a full-blown crisis.

“It is a damning indictment of the SNP’s recovery plan that risk levels in Lanarkshire are now higher than they were when Covid was at its peak.

“Staff are working tirelessly to do right by patients, and we owe them a huge debt of gratitude but services are simply stretched past breaking point.

“It is a national scandal that cancer operations are being cancelled when we are already playing catch-up and it is frankly terrifying that we have reached this point before winter has hit.

“Lives are on the line because of the SNP’s negligence.

“They need to wake up to the scale of the emergency they’ve created and come up with a recovery plan that is fit for purpose.”

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